Brocade Troubleshooting

Brocade SAN switches troubleshooting guide

  • Firmware download processes were discussed in the firmware download module; following the processes presented will alleviate firmware download problems.
  • Password recovery: Switch support personnel may advise you to login to the switch as root and invoke the passwddefault command.
  • Error log interpretation commands will be covered in this module: errshow, errdump.
  • Panic and reboot issues are beyond the scope of this course. Data that needs to be collected when these conditions occur will be discussed: supportsave.
  • Configuration Problems: switchstatuspolicyset/show, configure configshow; configupload, portcfgshow, portbuffershow, ifmodeshow, ipaddrshow, hashow, powerofflist, firmwareshow, firmwaredownloadstatus, fabstatsshow,, and HBA configuration considerations (drivers, settings, & relationships with OSs).
  • License Problems: licenseshow, licenseidshow, lutil.
  • Marginal Link Problems: switchshow; nsshow; porterrshow; portshow <port #>, portstatsshow
  • Brocade Zoning Problems: cfgshow, cfgtransshow, nsshow, nscamshow, portcamshow, portzoneshow
  • Additional command outputs related to switch status: sensorshow, tempshow, psshow, fanshow, slotshow, chassisshow, historyshow, powerofflist.
  • Support personnel may ask the customer to capture supportsave and to submit the output along with any troubleshooting steps already performed.

Here is a partial list of helpful commands associated with identifying these problems (see appendix for a flow chart with a more complete list); all problem determination steps include switchshow and errshow:

Timeout/sluggishness: urouteshow, topologyshow, porterrshow, portshow, portstatsshow, portcfgshow, portbuffershow, and aptpolicy (check routing configuration). Segmented fabric: configshow, fabricshow, fabstatsshow, portshow, portcfgshow, check zone related commands, and license configuration.

Port/node configuration: portcfgshow, configshow, portlogdump, portshow, fabricshow, trunkshow, portcfglongdistance, licenseshow, and portshow. Missing device: Check physical connectivity using switchshow, portshow and fcping. Check fabric connectivity with nsallshow, nsshow, nscamshow, zoning (zoneshow, etc.) and port configuration commands (portcfgshow, portshow). Optionally use a diagnostic tests such as porttest; this will test link components and port.

All Brocade SAN switch commands

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