Brocade useful commands
Brocade commands to use regularly
alicreate | Create an alias name for connected WWPN |
alishow | Show alias details |
aliadd | To add a new WWPN to an existing alias name |
aliremove | To remove a member(WWPN) from alias |
alidelete | To delete an alias name of WWPN |
zonecreate | to create zone between alias names or WWPNS |
zoneshow | To show members/alias names in a particular zone |
zoneadd | To add a member to an existing zone |
zoneremove | To remove a member from an existing zone |
zonedelete | To delete a zone (it removes the pairing between zone members) |
zoneobjectcopy | To copy a zone object to other location (alias WWPN, Zone) |
cfgtransshow | To check current zoning transactions in buffer (which are not saved to cfg) |
cfgtransabort | To cancel current zoning transactions in buffer (which are not saved to cfg) |
cfgactvshow | It shows effective zoning information |
zoneobjectrename | To rename zone object |
zoneobjectexpunge | To delete a zone object from zoning database. removes zoning object from the member list of all other objects |
nsaliasshow | shows local name server information and the defined configuration aliases to which the device belongs |
nsshow –t nashow -r | Displays detailed information about devices connected to this switch (Local Name Server) |
nscamshow | Displays detailed information about devices connected to all other switches in the fabric (Remote Name Servers) |
nsallshow | Displays the 24-bit address of all devices in the fabric |
nsallshow 5 | Displays all FCIP devices |
nsallshow 8 | Display all FCP devices |
nodefind | To check connectivity of the switch. |
nszonemember | It shows the information of all online devices which are zoned with the given device (WWN or PID) |
nszonemember -u | Displays all unzoned devices in the entire fabric |
nszonemember -a | Displays each local device’s online zoned data, including PID and zone alias. |
nsstatshow | This command displays local Name Server statistical information. |
nodefind | To check device connectivity and displays all device information |
fcping | To ping a wwpn |
Portcfg rscnsupr “port-number” -enable | Stops RSCN on particular port |
Portcfg rscnsupr “port-number” -disable | Starts RSCN on particular port |
portzoneshow | Displays zoning enforcement for each online device port on the local switch |
httpcfgshow | To find required java version to run webtools in brocade |
ipaddrset | to set or change IP address of a brocade switch |
date | to check time and date of switch |
syslogdipshow | |
syslogdipadd | |
syslogdipremove | |
cfgsize | to verify zone database size |