What are the well known addresses in Fibre Channel?
A well-known address is a reserved address for each Fibre channel service. Each address provides it’s respective service.
Well known addresses and its services are
Address | Service Name | Function |
FFFFFE | Fabric login | Fabric login server assigns a fabric address to newly connected devices, which allows to communicate with other devices which is called FCID. |
FFFFFC | Directory server / Name server | Directory server/Name server registers newly connected devices. It gives entry in name server.
Conduct quires to discover other devices in fabric. |
FFFFFD | Fabric controller | It is responsible for providing state change notifications(SCN)s to registered devices/nodes when a change is fabric topology |
FFFFFB | Time Server | Time server sends time to all switches in fabric and maintains time synchronization. |
FFFFFA | Management server | Management server provides single point of contact for managing the fabric. |
FFFFF8 | Alias Server | Alias server is responsible for creating and managing alias names for fabric nodes/devices. |
FFFFFF | Broadcast server | Responsible for broadcasting to all N ports and NL ports. |