What are the well known addresses in Fibre Channel?

A well-known address is a reserved address for each Fibre channel service. Each address provides it’s respective service.

Well known addresses and its services are

Address Service Name Function
FFFFFE Fabric login Fabric login server assigns a fabric address to newly connected devices, which allows to communicate with other devices which is called FCID.
FFFFFC Directory server / Name server Directory server/Name server registers newly connected devices. It gives entry in name server.

Conduct quires to discover other devices in fabric.

FFFFFD Fabric controller It is responsible for providing state change notifications(SCN)s to registered devices/nodes when a change is fabric topology
FFFFFB Time Server Time server sends time to all switches in fabric and maintains time synchronization.
FFFFFA Management server Management server provides single point of contact for managing the fabric.
FFFFF8 Alias Server Alias server is responsible for creating and managing alias names for fabric nodes/devices.
FFFFFF Broadcast server Responsible for broadcasting to all N ports and NL ports.

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